what is your greatest weakness answer samples for students

Two, minor behaviors. THE STRENGTH THAT'S ACTUALLY A WEAKNESS ANSWER "I'm a total workaholic. Current attorneys advise candidates to make it personal. For example, a personal weakness would be, "I feel like I get stressed out under pressure.". Here are a few tips on how to answer the "weakness question": Don't be overly broad: Make sure to be specific when explaining your weakness. This video will show . The final step is reviewing some sample answers that bring everything together. Sales skills. 9. Taking Corrections: 2. Patience and responsibility. To respond to this question, it's best to follow this formula: 1) State your weakness. 1. State how you make efforts to ensure projects don't go over deadlines. 1. This is an acceptable answer since engineers do not necessarily need to be outgoing at work. Talkative: 10. Curiosity. 5 Examples of Academic Weaknesses 1. If I'm on a project, I'm going to make sure to stick with it to the bitter, bloody end." Although this might sound like a strength, it's actually a weakness in disguise! Make sure to slip this in a few minutes after the interview has started and you have already been introduced to/shaken your interviewers hand. For example, if "Java" is listed as . Take your industry into account and do your research to see what traits or skills are essential to success on the job. The structure of the answer, no matter what you chose, will be the same. What's also important in answering is that you show self-improvement. List of Weaknesses for Job Interview Lack of Patience Lack of Organization Trouble with Delegation Timidity Lack of Tactfulness Fear of Public Speaking Weak Data Analysis Skills Indecisiveness Harsh Self-Criticism Micromanaging Talkative Here are examples of how you might answer "What is your greatest weakness?" and why they work. 3. It is such a cliche that intervewers will wonder if it is true. Give a legitimate weakness, like saying that you sometimes lose focus when working on extended projects, or that you have trouble delegating work to others, and then show . #3) I tend to want to take on complete projects all on my own without any outside help. 4. It also refers to a weakness that is presentable "on the job" rather than speaking about a personal weakness. 2. That said, if the job offer really wants people who can manage EHR records and your strongest nursing skill is problem solving, don't be afraid to say it. Academic Strengths and Weaknesses of Students. Having a tidy, well-organised classroom is actually a positive, but you can frame it as a teacher weakness by portraying it in the following way: "I need my classroom to be tidy and clean at all times. Focus your answer on those 3-4 strengths that best describe you and fit within the company or position. Weakness #2 - You find it difficult saying "NO" to people! You do not need a long list of weaknesses. Other good option is to choose a subject you do not like to teach, for example Math, or a subject you struggle with. With the STAR method, you can turn any potential negative into a positive. #21. Why having an up-close-and-personal experience with failure is a truly good thing Figuring out your best limitation or failure narrative Formulating that narrative effectively, and delivering it authentically An example of a limitation narrative about poor time management An example of limitation narrative about public speaking An example of limitation narrative about overcoming learning . The following rhetorical tricks can help when discussing your weakness. The trickiest part, however, is thinking up a weakness in the first place. Answer 1: Being organized, both mentally and physically, was and is one of my biggest strengths. 1. Choose something that isn't necessary for the job. However, I am working on this weakness by delegating more responsibilities to my team and by trusting them to do a good job. RHETORICAL TRICK #1 FRAMING THE WEAKNESS Dullness: 8. Some of the examples of weaknesses are as follows: Speech anxiety (fear of public speaking) Lack of focus or Too much focused . From a persistence point of view, my performance has been praiseworthy for 3 years in a row now. Below is an example of an answer to "What is your greatest weakness?". Finally, if your job involves sales, customer support, or something along those lines, you can mention that your greatest strength is any of the following: Charisma. In my last job as a real estate agent, this created quite a bit of stress for me when I constantly showed up late to client meetings and neglected to fill out tedious paperwork. "What I noticed was, I only tend to procrastinate on big and complicated projects but never on small ones. Here are a few examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview: I focus too much on the details. Self-Learners. They are usually looking to see three qualities in your answers: self-awareness, honesty, and self-improvement. If public speaking plays no part in the job description, maybe list another strength or describe "communication" instead. For example, saying "I am not good at communicating in a large group of people" can sound extremely different in comparison to "Sometimes I have trouble giving presentations to a big audience.". Discipline: 3. When you are applying for an administrative or office position, a typical job interview question is, "What is your greatest weakness?" As with any inquiry about a weakness during an interview, you want to make sure to answer honestly and sincerely, but still, paint yourself in a positive light.It can be tricky to give a good response, but there are ways to respond effectively. (Proof) I have been an online customer service representative for 3 years. This video will show . "What's your greatest weakness?" is the question that no one ever quite knows how to answer. Organization. The answer ends on a positive note, and the tone is a good balance of confidence and humility. Social. You can start with a brief bio or highlight key points on your resume. I could reel off a whole host of examples from my professional career to back this up. Be honest - give something real. "What are your greatest weaknesses?" example answers Example weakness 1: self-critical. Classically, applicants have been advised to relate a potential strength as a weakness. Energetic. Claim your greatest weakness is a fear of washing your hands after you use the restroom. Discuss how you are working on your weakness "What is your greatest weakness" answer samples The answer shows self-awareness, reflection, and maturity. Especially for customer service and other customer-facing work, this is a strength that employers love. Ask yourself these 5 crucial questions 5. Persuasion. I usually get the hang of my job pretty quickly, which leads me to take on a lot of additional stretch projects. It's good to identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can know where to improve or even work on them. Second, add additional context and a specific example or story of how this trait has emerged in your professional life. When using this answer to describe your weaknesses, show how deadlines are important to you. Having an inquisitive nature is a strength for a student. Below you will find some sample answers with more details on how to answer this question. You are afraid of sharing your ideas and opinions with others. What are Academic Strengths: Top 20 Academic Strengths list and Meaning: 1. Choose a weakness that will not prevent you from succeeding in the role. I'm usually the first one in and the last one to leave. by. Example weakness 4: lacking experience. Feb 21, 2004. Your greatest weakness doesn't have to be a weakness at all! To avoid this, I've started being more proactive and paying attention to how I'm reacting to make sure I'm being motivational and helping foster efficiency." How to answer "What is your greatest weakness"? This is a common weakness among Students - substituting the task you need to do for other things which will not help you at all. I like to be in control of everything, and this can sometimes lead to me not trusting others with important tasks. For example: Good communication skills. Highlight your achievements, personality traits, skills, and experiences that will make you an ideal candidate for the scholarship. By sharing this weakness, you're showing the interviewer that you recognize the dangers of being spread too thinbut also that you're a team player who's willing to push yourself. Often, if your job search is focused on one type of job, one set of weaknesses will be sufficient. Here is an intriguing interview question for scholarship candidates. 13. You need to personalize these sample answers according to your personal weakness and the ways that you are adapting and improving yourself. Example weakness 2: lacking confidence . Leadership is about discerning the potentials of your team members and guiding them in maximizing their potentials in the best possible way. This makes any weakness you describe an "acceptable" weakness to the interviewer or hiring manager. It's a reasonable weakness, one that could hurt you as a doctor, but it's perfectly okay to discuss, especially if you use our techniques. "I am very persistent and I love to negotiate. This is my first job application, but I have all motivation in the world to learn from more experienced colleagues, and eventually become an excellent accountant. Choose a minor, fixable weakness 4. 1. With the STAR method, you can turn any potential negative into a positive. I have trouble saying "no." I get impatient when projects run beyond the deadline. When I was asked what my biggest weakness was, I answered "I'm a big introvert, so I'm not the most social. My greatest strengths are motivation and willingness to learn. This is probably the most awkward and dreaded part of a job interview. Art classes, for example, can make me feel frustrated because . When the interviewer asks for greatest weakness examples, they are looking to see how you answer, not so much what you answer. This is a great weakness because it is perfectly natural to feel nervous talking in front of people and it is not generally a skill that is needed in the majority of job roles! Being Blunt: 9. These types of strengths are soft-skills that include, but are not limited to, problem-solving skills, strong work ethic, and interpersonal communication. Examples of common nursing weaknesses our experts say they hear include: Paying too much attention to detail. Feb 21, 2004. Sample Answers for "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?" Be prepared with more than one weakness in case you are asked for a second or third (or more). Example weakness 2: lacking confidence . You've figured out where your strengths lie and how to structure your response. Independent learning is a trait that helps one throughout their life. 4y. Everyone has weaknesses, but no one wants to admit them honestly in a job interview. I sometimes have trouble delegating. (Strength) I enjoy interacting with people and helping solve problems through phone and email or electronic chatting / messaging. Let's take a sample weakness of not being very detail-oriented. Stubbornness: 3. Your greatest weakness doesn't have to be a weakness at all! In addition to being honest, choose a skill that isn't listed on the job description. When I was still a student, I would work on my projects at the last minute and end up scrambling when the deadline comes. "I tend to get caught up in the little details, which can distract me from the ultimate goal.". I have received a bonus in every quarter, and this is a . It adds to their workload and causes them to get stressed when they can't complete their tasks correctly. Witty. The Hard Skill Weakness Impatience: 4. You're willing to work with others, socializing and sharing and creating a climate conducive to team-work. Aggression: 7. State your weakness, say why you may need to improve and what you have done to work on this. Procrastination Every student's academic career is affected by procrastination. In school, I balanced homework, deadlines, finance club meetings, and a part-time job. To answer "What is your greatest weakness?" like a pro, we recommend the following step-by-step approach: Step 1: Brainstorm Brainstorm a list of weaknesses that are relevant to you and your experiences. The key with strengths is quality, not quantity. Problem solving ability. This is the most popular among all scholarship interview questions and answers. What are the weaknesses of a student? These are my core strengths I believe. Sample . I think it stems from a fear of failure, to be honest. But try to avoid the old favourite answer: 'I'm a perfectionist'. According to interview expert Cheryl Johnson, Chief Human Resource Officer at Paylocity, the best answers to the "greatest weakness" question in a job interview have three key elements in . Enthusiastic personality. Choose one from each category or focus on one type. The formula for your answer is easy to follow. I sometimes lack confidence. Weaknesses to choose from: To say that you are over-friendly with students is a good answer (and a typical one many people use in the interviews). Attention to detail. Examples : How to answer what are your weaknesses ? Example weakness 3: difficulty asking questions. Tell us about your leadership experience. That's actually part of the reason u chose this (retail) job, to try to work on that." My manager told me that answer was one of the reasons I was hired, because it showed I was working on improving myself. Answer honestly with a genuine weakness 6. Doing this right now will give you a significant advantage. When answering this question, it's important to be honest, but positive. Example of a character-based strength answer: "One of my greatest strengths is being a people-person. Answer (1 of 13): Wasting time on Quora writing stupid answers like this one :p :D Sample answer #2: "My greatest weakness is that I tend to procrastinate. As a result, make sure you know which strength you'll discuss ahead of time. You might also say that you "work better on your own, i.e. Compare your resume to the job description 2. What are greatest weaknesses? Click To Get 3 FREE Strategies My Students Use . By telling your employer that, you're letting them know you lack self-reflection. Examples of weaknesses ( if they aren't related to the job) include patience, organization, public speaking, being overly sensitive, delegating tasks, or specific programs. Example weakness 5: procrastination. Say how you're working on fixing the weakness. The best way to handle this question is to name non-essential skills [] Wanting to do everything at once. My biggest weakness is probably biting off more than I can chew. Instead of attempting to dodge the question, discuss a weakness that won't impair your ability to perform the job in question. These are just sample answers for the question what are your weaknesses. To recap, here are the list of strengths based on the type of job you're applying for: Example weakness 3: difficulty asking questions. Indiscipline: 5. Procrastination has long been a bad habit of mine. Just make sure that your strengths line up with the job . Procrastination: 2. Bad Example Answer #2. you're self-regulated," and that can hold you back from socializing or following set schedules. You might be a perfectionist, but your interviewer has heard this answer a billion times (and from plenty of people who aren't actually perfectionists, I might add). It might feel like a softball question, but your answer to "why do you want to work here" could make or break your interview right from the start. At the same time, "I'd rather stay home and play video games than have a job" is a bit too candid. 3. What are the weaknesses of a student? Weaknesses. I can have trouble asking for help. . "We know there are a million law firms or million legal organizations, but at the end of the day, we want to hire the person who really . You do not need a long list of weaknesses. There are 2 schools of thought on how to answer the weakness question in interviews: Give a BS answer like "I work too much" or "I'm too much of a perfectionist.". Instead of "Perfectionism," Say. I have a hard time letting go of a project. the sad thing is that Y0ss is serious when he ask "what r ur weaknesses" sorry my friend, but i don't think ur competitors are willing to tell u their response.. but the best thing to do is find a "interview weakness" that u truly have , but MOST IMPORTANTLY, back it up with an example (that is key) to show ur not bull****ting. You don't want to say something like, "I'm a really bad team player," or, "I have an unfortunate habit of cheating on tests.". ex: (1) My greatest weakness is networking. Provide an example of how you've worked to improve upon your weakness or learn a new skill to combat the issue. Possible Answer #3. This question is not asked to actually assess your actual weakness, but what you did to OVERCOME a weakness. "I am an excellent and energetic collaborator. For example, saying "I am not good at communicating in a large group of people" can sound extremely different in comparison to "Sometimes I have trouble giving presentations to a big audience.". Weakness example 3: Procrastination. Example. Since I'm pursuing a career as an auditor, it's important to be able to juggle tasks and keep things in order. Communication skills. Top 10 Academic weaknesses list: 1. Look for a middle ground when it comes to your weaknesses. In your response, share how you're learning to prioritize and delegate, so that you stay motivated and each project gets the attention it deserves. Don't just "wing it" when you go in. Procrastination is the deliberate postponing of one's assignments until the last possible moment. #1) I tend to be overly critical of myself. I know I should probably address my workaholic tendencies, but I know they help me to get everything completed. Let's find your TOP 3 WEAKNESSES together below! Two years ago, my whole fifth grade teaching team was new to our school. You live semi-permanently in a state of fear, worrying that you are doing the wrong thing. Example weakness 6: perfectionism. I love learning new things, helping my colleagues, and being right in the thick of innovation. You don't want to pick something that's essential for the job. Lack of Focus. On the other hand, you don't want to completely avoid the question by . Base your answer around these key qualifications. The best response, however, is to describe a weakness that could also be viewed as a strength. Customer service skills. Example weakness 5: procrastination. 2. "What would your colleagues or employer describe as your biggest weakness?" "Have any issues or difficulties arisen in your most recent role?" "What is your biggest regret you'll have on leaving your current role?" "Is there any area of your skill set in particular you feel you still need to work on?" What is your weakness? If you do use it, select an element of perfectionism, such as 'Because I tend to get very passionate about the work I . First, state your weakness. 2) What you've done to overcome your weakness. Northwestern tells grad students, "Turn a negative into a positive." Boston College advises students to "Turn your weakness into a positive (for example) 'Because I tend to procrastinate, I have. Make a list of all your weaknesses 3.

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what is your greatest weakness answer samples for students

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